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Friday, April 10, 2009


I like having things. Things give me some happiness now and then. I know that it isn't really the thing that makes me happy, it is the ownership or usability of the thing that brings joy and excitement at times. Sometimes the thing brings me sadness as I have to repair it or work on it or have someone else work on it.

I have had many things in my life and I have been happy most of my life. I remember the first "thing" I really remember bringing me "happiness." It was a highway road set of men and women and railroads, trucks, stop signs, yield signs, water towers, buildings and a lot of little people with cars and trucks. It was my own little city. I enjoyed having that, what I believe was a Christmas present from dear ole Saint Nick. Everything had to be lined up and no one could disobey the laws of the city. The police were there along with the firemen and postmen. Ladies with their strollers and shopping baskets. It was grand. Everyone was in place and playing with them was fun, for a while.

Then, it really got boring. Setting it all up and then having to pick up the 1000 piece set was an enormous task for a pre-schooler (at least in his mind). The signs and rules no longer mattered and the fun turned into nothing left to do but find ways to change it all up. Typical male mind syndrome.

Not too long after Christmas, it became less of a thrill to have this thing that I loved so much. My problem? I didn't really love the thing, it was more of an infatuation for a while. How long after Christmas was the problem. Probably the third or fourth time I played with this 1000 piece set. I lost interest. It didn't fascinate me anymore. No one in my family wanted to help set it all up, much less put it all away after we played with it.

Can you imagine God giving up on us? Losing his fascination with humanity? I am amazed at how long he has suffered through my misguidance, much less that of those who pay him no tribute at all with their lives. Those who may have given homage to him at one time but now have lost fascination with his leadership and wisdom. I can't imagine what it would be like if God all of a sudden decided, "I'm tired of this. No one is wanting to play by the rules and obey the signs. It is useless and I am ready to pack it all in."

Then, at just the right moment His Son places his hand on his shoulder and says, "Forgive them Father, they don't know what they are doing."

I'll see you later

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