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Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Well, we leave for vacation tomorrow afternoon. I am excited about the trip. When we come back we will be packing to move into our RV that we will purchase the day or two after closing on the sale of our house.
Lisa and I are excited for this new era of our lives. Having the opportunity to take our home with us as we travel is quite thought provoking. Sleeping in our own bed each night seems to present a blessing for us.
Sold my 2008 Jeep last night and they are picking it up today. Last inspection on the property we are selling is being done today and then the count down begins. We are to close on January 22. Wow.
Seven years we have lived in this house and that is by over a year longer than I have personally lived in any one spot in my 59 years of life. This is going to be different. I don't think I'll miss the house. I'll miss the memories created there and the neighbors that were so warm and kind to us, except the first ones that lived directly behind us. (I'm glad they moved within 6 months).
Yes there are changes coming.
How about you? What changes are you going through? Are they changes for the good or just to be changing? Are you excited about the changes you face or are you apprehensive about them?
Material things on this earth are nice and to many extents essential. However, if our focus isn't on the spiritual first, then God doesn't have the place in our lives He should.
Yes, Lisa and I are doing some changing in our lives to look towards our future on this earth based on financial outlooks and needs. However, it is not our main focus. We know that were ever we are together is our home here on earth, but our eternal home is with our God. That is our main focus.
We are here for any of you who need spiritual guidance. If we can't help you personally we will do everything we can to find someone who can. We love our ministry and we love our family. But most of all, we love our God.
May He be forever praised.
I'll see you later!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Growing Old

I knew it would happen. I just didn't know when.

I believe that it sneaked up on me in he middle of the night while I was tossing and turning.

"What did?" you might ask.

Getting old.

How can I be old? How can I now be someone without children at home (for the last 10 years)?

It happens. You wake up one day and there it is right in front of you. An older version of the one you remember looking at 30 years ago.

I can't imagine my life passing so quickly without me even realizing how quickly it has. There are plenty of things that I remember and cherish in my heart. My daughter's wedding, my sons sporting events, and two great daughters in law, and one son in law (he's my favorite and they are co-favorites), grandchildren (7 of the best) and one great grandson, have all become a part of my past.

I will never forget growing up and wanting to hurry up and get out of school, get a job, find a wife, and just be an adult. I've done that for a long time. 40+ years and I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world. I love my family. We have made some great memories and that is what it is that growing old is all about.

Too bad that growing old also means that the hard drive memory chip God gave us fills up to a point some of us start loosing data and memory losses make us question even who we are and who our loved ones are.

Growing old is something that once you are there you wish you could go back and tell that younger self to spend more time with your friends and family when you were home growing up; going back and telling that teenage you to not rush through life because you'll forget most of what you did; going back to the day you got married, had your children, saw them begin to walk, heard them cry, watched them fall, learn to ride a bike, make and lose friends, meet that one they love, get married, have children, and begin their journey of growing old. Growing old is not fun, it is memorable. It is a way of making us realize that our memories are really important.

I have been told that I remember things that no one else does. Yes, but they are my memories. There are some I wish I didn't have to remember, but those too have shaped me into the person I am today. I'm not satisfied with where I am, but I believe that is a God thing. He wants me to strive to continue to grow and I believe He wants me to make more memories.

So, growing old is not all its cracked up to be with Teens and younger adults. I wish I could remember why I always thought that growing up and making my own way would be better than what I had. It still may be. However, I wish I had not had to do that.

I hope you can make sense of this...after all, I'm the one getting older, right?

Following the Crowd

Have you ever known someone who, after realizing that they had made a terrible mistake, keep heading in the same direction without changing anything? They are too proud to admit that they made a mistake and don't want to lose face with those that they may be hanging around with at the time. Their sphere of influence is based on those who are in agreement with them or are backing them with support in their mistake.

This type of attitude scares me, but it also helps me realize that there is something that needs to be done to help them. Letting them know that we love them and want nothing but for them to be right with God and themselves.

If you find yourself in that position, let me tell you now, I love you and will support you on your journey if you are wanting to get right with God. Actually, even in my family there are those that this applies to. It makes my heart ache as I watch them drift further and further from God. However, if you sincerely want to return, know that I am already praying for you whether or not I know of your situation. For those that I do know I hope you realize that I pray for you by name and want you to return, not for my sake, but for your soul to be in the hands of your Father as your time ends or He ends our time. I want you to hear "well done" not "depart from Me, I never knew you."

Please stop, turn around, begin walking toward God. He is right behind you with open arms, and we His children are praying for you to return.

I want you to come home!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Return?

"I'll be back there when _______________________ happens."

Ever heard anyone make this statement? I have, and I have noticed that those who say such things are just saying something to pacify themselves from having to do what ever it is that they have said they would do. Believe me, something else will come up or something else will cause them to continue to walk away from the very thing that they said they would do.

I have also heard this: "I'll never go to church at __________________!" When asked why the answer is, "_______________ is a member there and I could never attend where they attend."

Funny, I wonder if they have considered the alternative?

I have told the story many times of the man who said, "If those ______________ people go to heaven I don't want to go." I told him not to worry!

Please, realize that the world we live in is divisive enough without Christians putting stipulations on who attends and doesn't attend a particular church. If you are allowing a human being to keep you out of or away from participating in a church, then you are allowing them to be your god and not our Father in heaven. If they are the reason you die outside of faith, whose fault is that and who will pay the consequence.

Now, if you read this and get upset with me, I'm sorry. I really am. But I love you enough to try to get you to stop and think about your spiritual life for a minute. If you still don't want to worship with God's family somewhere, then fine, you let God know what it was that kept you away from the family of God. As for me and my house, we are going to go and serve God and not worry about who might be there we don't like. God comes first, then others, and then my desires and wishes (maybe)!

I love you all.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Weight Loss?

I did it! 

I began a diet right after Christmas. I have stuck to it and I am losing weight. 38 pounds as of this writing have gone away and I feel better, have more energy and more excitement knowing that ultimately I will be healthier and able to see my children, grandchildren, and yes, I'm proud to say, my great grandchildren longer than I might have. Believe me, I still have close to 80 pounds to go to hit my goal weight, but I am a true believer in sticking it out.

Now, before you go and praise me and laud my accomplishments and send me encouraging notes of congratulations, let me ask you a question? How is your weight loss coming?

Wait just a second! I'm talking about the weight of your sins. Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us..." RSV

See, we all want to talk about our weight loss and all the accolades that go along with the excitement we feel as we see the profit of losing pounds. I just really wish that we would feel just as excited when someone we know overcomes the weight of sin that is in their lives. Or to hear about someone and the struggles that they have overcome to make their lives better, spiritually more healthy and the thought of a home in heaven being within reach.Your grandchildren and children are going to be watching your example. There are people who will notice your spiritual weight loss and change just as quick as they notice your physical weight loss and change. We need to be just as consumed about reducing sin's weight on our spiritual lives as we are our body's weight on our physical lives. 

That is weight loss! Losing sin's burdensome hold on us. 

How are you doing?

I'll see you later!