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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Being Drafted in the NFL

As of today I am declaring for the NFL draft.  

I have been told that I will be a high draft pick and guaranteed a position.  I know that there are those of you who don’t think that this kind of thing can happen, but in reality I want you to know that it can.  The NFL is where I am headed and have been for most of my life. 

I love the thought of being rich and having all my needs met and never having to worry about anything.  I have been given the opportunity to make my way into the lifestyle everyone would like to have but few take advantage of.

As I head into the NFL draft I can better my life and should be able to be a role model for those who come my way.  

My stats are 5’6” 230 lbs. I am slow and can’t run.  I have a bad arm due to a surgery a while back.  I have a bad back and other little aches and pains that I won’t mention.

So you ask, “What’s the catch? How can you be drafted in the NFL?”  

Answer?  I am not talking about the National Football League; I am talking about becoming a part of the group known as the “Not For Long” people.  

I don't plan on being on this earth forever but in a place where I am rich because of my Father in heaven and His Son's purchases for me.  How about you?  Are you a part of the NFL? 

I'll see you later!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Double the Size of Your Church

Wow!  What a concept!

Would you like to double the size of your church family where you attend?  It is simple in concept. The problem is we are usually pessimist when it comes to doing something simple.
If everyone in your congregation, or mine, just brought one person you would double the size of your church family.

Just say that you do it over a year.  If everybody brought one in a year to attend your church worship and become a part of your family you would double in a year.



We will get them to buy a product we sell, join our social club, attend a birthday party, or any number of things, but we can't possibly let them know about Jesus.

What in the world is more important to you than your eternal life?

Everyone is able to bring one.  You can double the size of your church.  It is possible.

However, it is improbable because we don't believe anyone else will try.  They may be waiting on you.

Think about it!