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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

What I Have Learned

 The passing of time is something that we understand is going to happen. We get older and we find ourselves wondering how long we have left. Forty years ago I never wondered that, but now at 64 (Sunday), I do.

Yesterday some of my family got together for the celebration of our country's Independence Day. I was supposed to be there but just didn't know what it was that was making me feel so ill. Allergies and a possible cold, that I didn't want to pass on if it was, kept me from seeing two sons, two daughters-in-law, and one of my great grandsons and two grandchildren. I sat around feeling sorry for myself knowing I was doing the right thing if I was really ill and could possibly pass something on. But it got me thinking about things.

I may have ten to twenty years left in this life on this earth if God doesn't get so fed up with this world again that He pulls the plug and calls us all home (that wouldn't bother me!) But at my age, those years fly by even if I have that many left. I have come to realize that we put too much emphasis on things and what we call living. Yes, we must provide for our families and I understand that. God gave us that command to take care of our families. But, believe me, living is not based on how much you have been given in this life financially, nor is it worth being concerned about how you might feel you have been cheated out of being able to live comfortably while on this earth. Living is about dying with faith in God. Faith that He will not leave you destitute upon this earth or in the ground, but you will be walking with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords as a true Child of God.

To do that, we must become His child. It is our choice to "live for here, or to live for there."

I did miss seeing my family yesterday, but one day, I will see God. And yes, living without on this earth will have been worth it! How are you doing?

Monday, May 8, 2023

Last Night I Cried!

 Last night I cried. 

Last night, during a singing we had with our spiritual family, for the first time in a long time, more inside than actual tears, I cried.


Truly because I was blessed to be in the presence of God the Father and in the midst of His family, singing and glorifying our Father in heaven. Thanking Him for being our shield about me. He is my glory, He is the lifter of my head.

I am but a simple man here on the face of this world created for us, mankind, by a loving and caring God who has limited us to a certain time here. However, it is His word that lifts my head. Hallelujah. Halleluja!

The tears were for reasons I can only attribute to my personal existence.

I am in awe of how shallow I am at times in the presence of such a magnificent God and creator, yet a loving and caring Father of us all. I am His child. For that, I am so thankful and shed a tear even now, knowing I'll be home soon! 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Where did all the joy go?

 Where did all the joy go?


A good friend of mine shared with me a tragic story of a church family that lost their joy. A divisive spirit in the church caused a lot of hurt feelings and left many with a feeling of betrayal. He shared that the church had declined by two-thirds of its attendance. It was difficult for him to understand how the family of God could ever get into that position.


I asked him if there was anything specific he could point to that would clarify the divisive attitude that brought about the unrest in the family of that congregation. He stated that the problem was, the church had stopped being a family and started working on becoming an organization with self-motivational interests being at the forefront of the leadership. “The leaders were making major decisions and had no real connection with most of the members in the church, just a select few were considered.”


This is an issue I have seen many times in my spiritual walk of life. It isn’t that people are looking for things to do to help the congregation grow, they were just looking for things to be done the way they felt comfortable doing them. They wanted them to be done the way they had always been done. They had their agenda and no matter what or who had to be sacrificed, it was going to happen one way or another.


Manipulation is sometimes the culprit when it comes to situations like this. Some opportunities can take on the form of “good works to do”, depending on who benefits and who it “motivates.” Moving others out of the way so the “uncomfortable” can feel “more comfortable” with themselves and not be challenged to study or grow anymore. They want things to go back to the way they were in the past. Hoping to find happiness in trying to recreate what once was, looking for happiness in overseeing where, or in what direction the church is moving. Hearing things said in the old comfortable way of being said and shutting the door on anything different or new because they were not “comfortable” with new things.


It is like the ship that sank with 100 people on board who all wanted to be the captain. No one was willing to work to help the ship operate the way it should. They all wanted others to do what they were ordering them to do.


It is inevitable that we find ourselves at a loss when it comes to divisiveness and our dislike of change. However, striving to go back to what once was is change, but seen as worthy because of whose idea it was to go back to the past. I believe that Paul addressed the Jewish Christians who wanted to go back under the law! They didn’t really want to go back to the law, it didn’t change but was fulfilled. They wanted to go back to the traditions they were used to and comfortable with.


I asked my friend, “Was truth ever overlooked or abandoned?” His answer was “No! Not that I am aware of! If there was, I would have approached the problem as a scriptural problem! The way I see it was that those who left just didn’t feel needed or a part of the family any longer. It was like God was left out of any decision that was made.”


I want to encourage those of God’s people to be sure to understand that without true compassion, without true concern for the word, without vision, we will parish.


Where did all the joy go? Satan took advantage of hiding behind someone’s truth instead of someone standing in God’s truth. Don’t hide behind the past glories of the church. Look to glorify God daily as you walk. Accept the joy of the Spirit of God and your salvation. Allow God to give the increase. You can’t do it. That is God’s job. We need to be seed spreaders.


I love you all,
