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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gun Control

Okay, I am going to say this as clearly as I can.  I do not think that guns are evil.  Guns are inanimate objects.  They have no ability other than being manipulated by the hands of man.  There is no one in this world who feels any worse about what has happened so many times in our country when it comes to innocent children losing their lives at the hands of evil people.  But that is the problem, evil people.  No inanimate object can be evil in and of itself.  It can be used in an evil way, or it can be used in a useful and productive way.  It is the mind of a man that takes and turns something into a tool of evil.

Now, do there need to be restrictions?  Yes.  I am all for making our public safer.  Do we need to make it more difficult for evil people to acquire weapons like those used in Newtown?  Yes.  I believe we do.  We also need harsher punishment for selling weapons without registration of those guns.  This goes against a lot of the conservative thinking but I am all for making it more of a crime to use any weapon to kill another human being.  It isn't the weapon that killed it is the person wielding the weapon that cause the fatality.  We need to be more strict in acquiring guns.  But, it does not need to punish those who are law abiding and caring citizens by banning any weapon. 

Stricter applications and licensing for all guns is perfectly fine with me.  But, you will take my guns out of my home under major protest, and major being I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of those who walk up to my home to take my guns.  As long as I am alive, I'll be the last one in America to have their guns taken away.

I am sorry for the tragedy we have seen over the last week and the 69 other school incidents involving guns and schools since 1994.  It saddens me and makes me ill to think that anyone would hurt another human without provocation.  I am reminded daily of a personal situation in my life where no guns would have allowed someone I thought a lot of to live.  However, the evil of the other person allowed them to steal the gun they used to kill with.  Evil in a person turns a gun against the innocent, not the gun itself.

I'll see you later.

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