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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I know we need to help the needy, but what just happened concerns me. A man walked into the church building and wanted us to provide him a place to stay the night. Apparently we have helped him in the past, so he returned to see if we would again.

I would love nothing more than to help people. I know that is what Jesus wants us to do. But, this time I just couldn't and feel right about it. In fact, I made him leave the building and sent him on his way.

I feel bad about what happened, but it makes me angry at our world. I wish Jesus would hurry back to take us all home, then things like this wouldn't be on my heart so hard. See, I know I too have faults, just like anyone else. I want forgiveness for me and for everyone. But this time I just couldn't see myself allowing the church family here to help this man out with a room at the hotel down the street.

He had been communing with spirits that were not quite religious. He had been drinking and reeked of alcohol. Besides being dirty and smelling really bad, I could smell his breath and the alcohol on it form five feet away. When I told him I couldn't help him, he didn't argue. I asked him to leave and move on.

My prayer is that I always do what is right. I know that I don't myself, but I am trying. I can't help those who have no desire to help themselves or those who try and take advantage of others.

I have no idea what the man's story was, I just know that I gave him opportunity to ask for spiritual help, but that was not what he did. I am sorry for him, but like any other addict, he must come to the realization that he needs real help, not a band-aide fix for the night.

I pray for that man and know that he is someone's child. He is God's child, but he needs to find it inside of himself to seek out the right kind of help for his needs. I hope and pray that he does before it is too late.

Thank you Father for allowing me to find you and I pray that the man will search you out and take advantage of the opportunity to find his way home to you. Thank you Jesus for what you have done in my life and the lives of so many. Lead this man to find truth in your name.

I'll see you later.

1 comment:

  1. Britt, I know how you feel. My brother is mentally ill and it has been so hard to deal with. I have had him live with me and other family members have done the same. After about two months he thinks we are part of the conspiracy and becomes abusive. It angers me that we have a government that allows millionaires to pay so little and yet their are homeless people and people with illnesses walking the streets. At some point, we can only pray. I too hope that God will come quickly but West Freeway Church of Christ helps hundreds and hundreds each month put food on the table.
    We are so glad that you are here and your heart is so big!
