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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I know we need to help the needy, but what just happened concerns me. A man walked into the church building and wanted us to provide him a place to stay the night. Apparently we have helped him in the past, so he returned to see if we would again.

I would love nothing more than to help people. I know that is what Jesus wants us to do. But, this time I just couldn't and feel right about it. In fact, I made him leave the building and sent him on his way.

I feel bad about what happened, but it makes me angry at our world. I wish Jesus would hurry back to take us all home, then things like this wouldn't be on my heart so hard. See, I know I too have faults, just like anyone else. I want forgiveness for me and for everyone. But this time I just couldn't see myself allowing the church family here to help this man out with a room at the hotel down the street.

He had been communing with spirits that were not quite religious. He had been drinking and reeked of alcohol. Besides being dirty and smelling really bad, I could smell his breath and the alcohol on it form five feet away. When I told him I couldn't help him, he didn't argue. I asked him to leave and move on.

My prayer is that I always do what is right. I know that I don't myself, but I am trying. I can't help those who have no desire to help themselves or those who try and take advantage of others.

I have no idea what the man's story was, I just know that I gave him opportunity to ask for spiritual help, but that was not what he did. I am sorry for him, but like any other addict, he must come to the realization that he needs real help, not a band-aide fix for the night.

I pray for that man and know that he is someone's child. He is God's child, but he needs to find it inside of himself to seek out the right kind of help for his needs. I hope and pray that he does before it is too late.

Thank you Father for allowing me to find you and I pray that the man will search you out and take advantage of the opportunity to find his way home to you. Thank you Jesus for what you have done in my life and the lives of so many. Lead this man to find truth in your name.

I'll see you later.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Been Around a While

I have been around a while now. I am to the age of where I thought wisdom was held by others before me. But, as I look at my life now, I wonder how wise I really am.

I still make stupid mistakes (sorry for the word but used honestly) and I don't see myself as a wise person. All those whom I wanted to be like at 50 are now either in their 80's, 90's or have left this world through death. It is difficult to have those you admire lose their ability to mentor as they once did.

Then I stopped and realized something very important. I can't look back and wish, I must look forward and lead. I must be the one who becomes what I should be and not what someone else was. I followed the examples and wanted so much to be like them, but I am me. I have to be the best me I can be in spite of my mistakes and spiritual breakdowns. In other words, I have to be the best I can be, and do it now.

I'll see you later.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

That's What Solomon Said

"What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

Wise words from the man of God. Wonder what he meant by that statement? Can you figure it out.

Lets be careful not to rush to judgment over things that have always been and will continue to be.

I'll see you later, or not.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Preacher's Wife

Just think about this for a moment or two. My wife has been the wife of a preacher for over 20 years. She has stood in the background for a long time knowing the life of a preacher. She has not been in the spot light having had four very active and accomplished children.

She was always "Britt's wife," "Lori...Jeff...Anthoney...or Tim's mother." She was very seldom just Lisa. That has been difficult for me lately to deal with. Why? Because I know she is so much more than that. She is awesome. She is amazingly intelligent and resourceful. She knows how to be frugal and how to stretch the food to make it last. She is wonderful as a mother and friend.

This last Saturday, Lisa returned to her roots. She went back to her 30th High School Reunion. She was apprehensive and almost backed out of going. She talked herself into going for at least thirty minutes.

She clung to my hand as we made our way down the corridor, grabbed my arm as we got to the door only to find two of her oldest and best friends waiting for her to arrive. "Lisa" they cried out and the hugs began. I was so thankful that they were there for her. I, on the other hand was the spouse. You know, the one in back, not as included, tolerated (just kidding) but you know the story. She was elated to see people she had gone through elementary, Junior High and High School with. She saw old boyfriends and old school mates and one or two she didn't know. (Out of a class of over 400 can you remember them all?)

Four and a half hours later after pictures, dinner, and more remembering than I could ever do, she looked at me with a smile and said, "It's time to go home" and we did.

Sunday came and once again I "The Preacher" was at the fore front getting all the questions and the thanks and the pats on the back. Well, here is to all those wonderful people who made my wife feel like the girl I married. She was happy. Not that she hasn't been, but she was Lisa Bird again for just four and a half hours. It makes me tear up just writing this down. Those who planned and sacrificed a lot of time did so, at least in my eyes, to make my wife a little happier. I'll never forget that night as long as I live.

No, you can't go back and relive the past. I understand that. But, you can relish in the light that was poured out on your life at those times in the past. Take time to notice the preacher's wife as well.

I'll see you later

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Heard It on TV

"I heard it on TV so it must be true."
Every hear that one? I have, and honestly, I thought it at one time when I was still a child. I thought that since they made the movie "Chariots of the Gods", talking about alien life coming to earth, there must be aliens. After all, it was a documentary.
Not all that we see is true. Technology has made Harry Potter fly out of our imaginations and we have seen it on the big screen. For ages I thought "Gone With the Wind" was a historical reckoning of the events surrounding the burning of Atlanta. I also thought that Mary Poppins was real as well.
I lived in a fantasy world of things that I wanted to be true.
Still today, many of us are trying to live in that same type world. We see it, they say it is true, therefore it must be. Be careful here, there are forces at work that want us to always believe the lie.
"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings." 1 Peter 5:8
The word of God is the only true word and guide we can be sure of.
I'll see you later.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What Fun!

I had the opportunity to go to see the Texas Rangers last night with a good friend. He is also my brother in Christ. I admire his love for his family and his dedication to raising them correctly and know that so much of life is before him. He is an inspiration to me and I wish that I had his attitude about so many things.

We had great dialogue, at least for me it was, I can't speak for him. I enjoyed being with him and being able to meet a friend of his that he apparently admires. His voice lifted when we talked of his children, his wife and his parents. He seemed content in life, not satisfied, content. There is a great difference and he knows it.

It made me wonder, "Do we know what it truly means to be thankful and content?" I hope I do now. It has taken me a long time to get there but I believe God is helping me by giving me people to see living contented lives.

I'll see you later!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Facebook Realities

Yes, it has hit me and hit me hard. The reality of the fact that past friendships that have been left alone for decades still twinge my heart when I find the outcome has been a death. Wow, I could not have been more saddened by news than when I found my dear friend's, Nick Stevens, daughter had tragically been killed in a freak accident last year. We hadn't seen each other or been in contact in over eighteen years. How sad?

We made connection on Facebook and I cried for two days as I read the story of his daughter's passing. It was as if I had lost a close friend myself. I felt hurt and pain in my heart unlike any I had ever had in a friend losing a child. I was amazed at how it impacted me emotionally and spiritually. I longed to wrap my arms around my friend and comfort him from his loss. But, it had been over a year. He had begun his healing and I found comfort in it.

I do not seek comfort for myself in all of this, I am just thrown back into reality that the world is getting smaller all the time and my days are numbered with nothing but better things to come.

Facebook, last week, brought me face to face with the loss of twelve friends I knew nothing about having passed away. I grieve that I had lost contact. I morn the fact that the only thing I will have for the rest of my life is a memory of them, as vague as they are. I have morned the loss of loved ones but for me to see my class and school mate's names on a list of those who have left this life hurt me and I cry.

I hope that now I can keep up better, because of Facebook, and let them know that they were special and still are in so many respects. Teachers, classmates, church family from the past, church camp friends, ministry friends and my relatives, thanks for letting me know how you are doing.

I'll see you later (on Facebook)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Children and Grandchildren are to Love

Well, I'm a grandfather. I am proud to be a grandfather. I have four wonderful grandsons, Kyle, Andrew, Joe Braden, and Joshua. They make me happy and I love being happy.

As I raised my children through the years I heard others make statements like, "If I would have known how fun grandchildren were I would have had them first." I understand the sentiment of that statement to a degree, but let me tell you what I have been thinking about the raising of my family, my children.

I didn't do a great job in a lot of ways, but I made sure of one thing. I loved them and I believe that they knew it. Oh, we had arguments and power struggles just like most families. I had to apologize a lot for the mistakes I made and even had to say I am sorry on more occasions than I care to admit. But, I don't think one of my children would ever think I didn't love them with all of my heart.

I can only hope that my children learned the lesson on loving their families in the way that it was intended. I know that at looking at my grandsons that they are loved and they are cared for beyond their needs. That is a good thing.

I hope that my grandchildren grow up to love their children and grandchildren the way that I love mine. I also hope that my children grow to love their children and grandchildren in that same way.

My children are far from perfect, I know, I brought them into an imperfect world to love, hold, and comfort through the difficulties they would face. I wasn't always right, but I never stopped loving any of them. My children, Lori, Jeff, Tony, and Tim are mine and their mother's joy and bond. We love them and I believe they love us and have learned that love from being loved.

May God bless you in your love for your family.

I'll see you later.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Why Do We Do That?

Why is it that when we travel we ask for prayers for a safe trip, but we fail to pray that same prayer when we drive across town? Why do we ask God to be with our loved ones traveling to see us yet, when they arrive, fail to fall on our knees and thank God for their safe arrival?

We ask a lot of God and many times fail to thank him for what he has given us. We ask expecting God to give us what we ask for, then, when things are given we give no thanks. Too many times we fail to remember that a "No!" is sometimes a better answer. Ever thank God for saying "No"?

I too find this problem at work in my life. So many times I ask God for help in leading me in my studies and then, when the sermon is prepared and delivered, I fail to thank him for clearing my mind to bring the sermon to life. Many times the sermons I am not really happiest with are the ones that get the most "Hey preacher, great sermon today," or "Britt, I really needed to hear what you had to say today. The message was right on target."

Not too long ago one gentleman came up to me and said of a sermon I was not particularly happy with the delivery of and felt I had missed getting the message I was looking to get across to make sense, "Preacher, that was one of the best sermons I have ever heard. I am so glad you listen to God when you prepare your lessons." I definitely stopped right then in my mind and thanked God for the lesson.

What have you stopped and thanked God for specifically lately? Why don't you drop to your knees and be thankful for what he has done in your life in a specific area? Don't expect yeses from God when you pray, expect answers to your needs. Listen to the Father call out your name and lead you to where you need to be and then thank Him for leading you in the direction that is best for you. Thank Him for listening and doing for you what is best.

Sometimes we need to remember to pray about all things. Like I have begun telling folks lately, "Ask God to do for you what is in your best spiritual interest." Then thank Him for the answer, whether it is "Yes", "No!", or "Wait."

I'll see you later.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Liberal, Conservative, or Independent?

Liberal means to most, "You don't think like I do." Conservative means "You and I think alike." Independent means, "You do your thing, I'll do mine." In reality, do we not have a more pressing thought, "I want to do things God's way and not the world's?" No matter how hard we try to be one way or the other we seem to forget that God was very liberal in many areas and very conservative in others.

Maybe its time we started concentrating on God and let Him take care of the world. He asked us to be different and that would make a difference. I am sure that he is disappointed with the way things are now, but when has he not been? He is a gracious and loving God who accepts us where we are and strives to lead us to where He wants us to be. The question is, "Do we want to please the world or God?"

Liberal or conservative take on a whole different meaning when we are talking about ourselves and our relationship with the Father. Question, God gave us the freedom to choose. Did he not try to persuade us to do what He chose for us to do? He gave us the right to be independent in our choices. However, those choices, if made incorrectly, have ramifications which will be shown for what they are in the end. There may be discipline due us as a result of the choices we make independently of God. He is, after all, our Father. Isn't He? I am sure we can answer that question without going into much detail.

So, where do you stand? Liberal? Conservative? Independent? Do we have one hand out and the other on our pocketbooks? Or are we truly just a Christian, just God's child, because we want what is best all round in our lives.

Just thinking!

I'll see you later.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oklahoma, You Got to Understand!

First a little history lesson. "Sooners" were cheaters from day one. They went in on the land rush early, therefore gaining an advantage on the "Boomers" and cheating to get what they wanted. Why they would call themselves something that glorifies cheating I don't know. I'm from Texas...I don't understand what they do up North.

Jon Paige asked while we were at camp why Oklahoma was such a poor state. He didn't know his Oklahoma history about the land rush. If you think that it was fair ask someone who is over 80 and lived all their lives in Oklahoma. Roads need work, the political climate is something of a mess, not to mention mirroring the federal government, the native Americans have the gambling rights, and the only thing good about Oklahoma is made up of Texans, and a few outsiders.

No really, I love most of the people in Oklahoma I have met, they are some really great people. Most of them I know have always been friendly and very sporting about my bashing of the "team" from up I35. I am not, nor ever have been an Oklahoma Sooner fan, not even when they play Notre Dame (I usually hope both of them lose when playing each other, but miracles in sports are rare.)

So, as I drove through Oklahoma yesterday on the way home, I exhaled before we crossed the Red River and inhaled the sweetest air I know when we crossed the Red, good Texas breathable air. I didn't want to pollute the good Texas air and hope you wont either.

I'll see you later.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I never get tired of watching God's children return after an extended time away from home. Spiritually speaking, I can not begin to tell you how many folks I have witnessed in my lifetime return to God with tears and stories that would, as my Grandmother used to say, curl your hair. Story after story of folks walking through the darkness so long that when finally they come to their right minds and begin looking for the light again they have a hard time believing they are worth saving.

Ever been there? I have and it is even tougher when you don't feel comfortable sharing it with anyone. My story is so dark compared to some of the ones I have heard. So much so that I am not going to share it with my readers. Just suffice it to say, "I've been there!" "I know how it feels."

Waking up wondering why God hasn't called your name to judgment. Waiting to see what discipline there will be for you when you finally come to grips with it all. Knowing you deserve so much more than you received in discipline, or have received.

However, on the up side, there is always a light at the end tunnel as we always say. God will forgive and forget and that is his promise. No matter where we come from or what we have done he will accept us back. The father of the prodigal son didn't leave home to seek out the lost boy. He waited patiently for him at home with the rest of the family. His thoughts were on him, his love was with him and his prayers were for his lost son. But, he didn't run after the boy, he waited for the boy to return...to come home...to take his proper place at the table.

Don't wait for God to find you, he is waiting for you at home with the family.

I'll see you later!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Do You Do?

Who knew? Did you? Really, did you know and just not tell me? I was around when you found out and I am totally surprised that you had said nothing to me concerning it. Did you think I knew and just turned a blind eye so as not to have to deal with it. How did you find out? Did someone tell you? Were you knowledgeable about this situation before me or did you think I didn't care enough to take care of it when I could or should?

I don't know. Honestly. When did you know my little boy was on drugs and said nothing to me about it? When did you know he was being influenced by a world gone mad and failed to share with me the knowledge that I did not have. Honestly, do you think I knew and was doing nothing about it.

For all of you who knew and didn't say anything to me, shame on you. I forgive you and don't want to know who you are or were, but shame on you. I pray for you and your family. Drugs hit my son in his weakness and in his strengths and some of you didn't do or say anything. Yes, I am hurt because of it, but it does not mean I will be vengeful nor will you ever know if I knew you didn't say anything to me. I will not be hunting you down for an explanation and don't come to apologize, you are already forgiven and we will get through this.

How? "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures, he leads me besides still waters, he restores my soul. He leads me in he paths of righteous for his name sake. And yes, even though I walk in the vally of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..."

I'll see you later.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Miles of Smiles

I love Christian Camping in the summer. For that matter I love it anytime. But what makes me enjoy it so much I believe is seeing the miles of smiles as the campers arrive. The campers are so excited to see one another and to see the returning staff. They are sometimes disappointed when past staff have failed to return, but for the most part the miles of smiles continue throughout the week.

I have seen this for over twenty-five years of camping. I have seen those smiles on women who are now married with children coming to camp. I have seen those smiles on men who were campers and now preachers and youth ministers. I have seen it on staff members who are now grandparents bringing their grandchildren to camp. It is a wonderful scene each and every year.

I am proud to be associated with Christian camping. It is one thing I believe all Christian young people should do each summer. I will pray that my grandchildren will be involved in Christian camping and their grandchildren as well. I am a firm believer in the spiritual strength that can be gained by being a part of Christian camping. I know it made a difference in my life in two ways.

First, in a spiritual way. I found that I could be a Christian around people I didn't know well. I did not have to fit the mold of the world. I could stand up and be counted for Jesus and know there were others who felt the same way I did. It is awesome.

Second, in a physical way Christian camping made a difference in my life. How, you might ask? I found my wife while Christian camping. I found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I have thanked God over and over and over again for that little spot in East Texas called Camp Deer Run so many times that I believe He might know how I feel by now. Lisa has been a wonderful help when it comes to camp. She loves it almost as much as I do.

Now, I am the camp director of the Central Texas Christian Camp at Camp Hensel outside of Austin, TX. It is a beautiful place and parked right in the middle of the hill country of Texas. Every year on Father's Day I have the opportunity to see the miles of smiles line up and check into camp, and for the most part they wish me a "Happy Father's Day." They are all my children. I love them all and can not wait to see them each year.

However, at the end of the miles of smiles there comes a difficult time we usually don't like talking about. It is the River of Tears that flows as camp ends. No one wants to go home. Everyone wants to stay. That has been going on since before my camping days as well. The good thing is that the River of Tears always turns into a Mile of Smiles.

I'll see you later, maybe at camp!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Want to Hear Those Words

When time comes, I want to be in heaven, don't you? I can't wait to be with all the saints and if possible hearing the great old stories about the flood, the crossing of the Jordon, not to mention the Red Sea. I want to hear John talk about what he saw and tried to describe in Revelation. I want to hear Peter laugh about how his immaturity that was so evident finally was put aside and he became the one who proclaimed our salvation that morning of Pentecost. I want to hear Moses chat about "the trip." I want to hear Zacchaeus talk about Jesus coming to his house and sharing in a meal. I would like to hear Paul talk about that trip he took where "he saw the light." One that is really interesting, that I want to talk to, is the one who cooked the fish Jesus ate after his resurrection.
And then, I want to hear Jesus talk about how much he loved me and to hear him say how proud he was that I trusted in the blood he shed for my sins. How I totally gave myself to him and about how he prepared my place in heaven for me. I want to hear him say "Well done good and faithful servant." That will be the greatest day of my life.
Now, you may be sitting there shaking your head while you read this because you know me and what I just wrote doesn't sound like the Britt you know. "Oh, he really thinks a lot of himself, doesn't he?"
The answer to that is "No, I know my sins. I know my weaknesses. I know where I struggle with temptation and I don't always avoid it. But, Jesus promised that when I asked forgiveness of sin, He would "remember their sins no more." Isn't that what it says in the Bible? I believe it is found in Hebrews 8:12, "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
If he doesn't remember my sins any longer, then I will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
Will you hear those word? Think about it. That is why He, Jesus, died for you.

I'll see you later!

Monday, April 27, 2009


10cc an old but still good rock band had a song called "The Things We Do for Love." It was one of my favorite songs as I began my young adulthood. The song had a crazy twist to it. I thought it was just that the band was from England. Part of the lyrics go like this. "Communication is the problem to the answer."

Wow! What a concept. Communication being an answer to problems in life is something I have always understood. But to put it the way "10cc" said it was interesting.

When you have problems getting along with someone, 9 times out of 10 it is because of a lack of communication. People stop talking to each other and they forget to realize how silly it is not to communicate. If we don't communicate we can't end problems. Problems are ended through communication.

If I have hurt you or made you feel bad in some way, I may not know it and you would still be upset, angry or sometimes even mad at me. But, if you let me know what I have done, I'll love you enough to listen and I really feel I would ask for your forgiveness for the wrong you feel I have done. But unless you communicate with me what the problem is, I can't do anything about it. God forgive us for our lack of communication.

I'll see you later!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Secrets, they are hard to keep. You hear something someone says about something no one knows about and you, if tempted like me, would like to be the first to tell someone who doesn't know, but you are sure they would be interested.

Now, you might say that is gossip. Well, whose to say what is and isn't true? That is the evil of speaking when we should be silent and silence is golden I have always heard.

Honestly, I'm not tempted any longer to share bad news about someone, but I remember as a child the difficulty I had of not turning on those who surely had turned on me. But, then one day I realized my life is full of little secrets that if added up would change many an opinion of me and my life. So what do you do?

Keep secrets that are not gossip in your heart. If someone felt comfortable coming to you to share something they were uncomfortable about in their own lives, pray for them. If they come to you with something about someone else, then, help them see the difference between the need to share and the need to keep it a secret even from you.

Secrets have their place as long as they are kept secret.

I'll see you later!

Friday, April 10, 2009


I like having things. Things give me some happiness now and then. I know that it isn't really the thing that makes me happy, it is the ownership or usability of the thing that brings joy and excitement at times. Sometimes the thing brings me sadness as I have to repair it or work on it or have someone else work on it.

I have had many things in my life and I have been happy most of my life. I remember the first "thing" I really remember bringing me "happiness." It was a highway road set of men and women and railroads, trucks, stop signs, yield signs, water towers, buildings and a lot of little people with cars and trucks. It was my own little city. I enjoyed having that, what I believe was a Christmas present from dear ole Saint Nick. Everything had to be lined up and no one could disobey the laws of the city. The police were there along with the firemen and postmen. Ladies with their strollers and shopping baskets. It was grand. Everyone was in place and playing with them was fun, for a while.

Then, it really got boring. Setting it all up and then having to pick up the 1000 piece set was an enormous task for a pre-schooler (at least in his mind). The signs and rules no longer mattered and the fun turned into nothing left to do but find ways to change it all up. Typical male mind syndrome.

Not too long after Christmas, it became less of a thrill to have this thing that I loved so much. My problem? I didn't really love the thing, it was more of an infatuation for a while. How long after Christmas was the problem. Probably the third or fourth time I played with this 1000 piece set. I lost interest. It didn't fascinate me anymore. No one in my family wanted to help set it all up, much less put it all away after we played with it.

Can you imagine God giving up on us? Losing his fascination with humanity? I am amazed at how long he has suffered through my misguidance, much less that of those who pay him no tribute at all with their lives. Those who may have given homage to him at one time but now have lost fascination with his leadership and wisdom. I can't imagine what it would be like if God all of a sudden decided, "I'm tired of this. No one is wanting to play by the rules and obey the signs. It is useless and I am ready to pack it all in."

Then, at just the right moment His Son places his hand on his shoulder and says, "Forgive them Father, they don't know what they are doing."

I'll see you later

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What are Friends For?

Roger Felps, probably one of my best friends, had triple bypass surgery yesterday and I was unable to be with him. I wanted to be and felt terrible not being there. It hurt. It was a difficult day trying to pray for him and carry out the rest of my responsibilities for the day. I wanted so badly to be there. I still feel a desire to be bedside making him laugh or sharing stories with him. He was and is so much of an inspiration to me. I have so much I owe to him for his insight and love for me and my family that I want you all to know him as well.

He came through the surgery fine and was sitting up in a chair talking and probably listening to some crazy person telling him their problems just because that is what he does. He is a great listener. But mostly he is my friend. He called me the day he went to the hospital on purpose. He knew I would be there if he had given me enough time and that is his desire. He is my friend.

Roger and I went to Africa in 2001. We spent all but one night together and I still wonder how he slept through the sound of a jet plane taking off every two snores. I know that whether or not Roger ever gets on another train, bus, plane, taxi, motorcycle, subway or eat another meal of some unknown origin he helped me see the world in different eyes and in different ways as his talents were challenged on that trip. It is with family he is his best. He is my friend and I love him and his family for being who they are.

Roger is a Christian. I don't worry about where he will be when he leaves this life. I don't worry about where he will be when God calls us all home. I am concerned about those of us who love him who will miss him. (Right now as he reads this he will be saying "Hey, I'm not leaving yet." )I know that, Buddles, but we are all getting closer.

Keep the two of us in your prayers, specifically my friend Roger.

I'll see you later.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Making Tracks

I have been around the block once or twice in my life. I have seen things that still to this day baffle my understanding of normal. I know, you are thinking, "Britt, you're not normal." Well, I've been thinking and I didn't fall asleep.
Do you realize that no matter what happens the weather in Tulsa during the Soul Winning Workshop is going to be...."different?" It gave the old saying "making tracks" a whole new meaning.
As we walked across the Tulsa State Fairgrounds from building to building last weekend we walked through rain, mud and snow. The rain was so heavy cars were leaving tracks in their wake. The mud was so thick in places the tracks were visible as you walked though it. Then, on Saturday, the snow came and talk about tracks. You didn't have to worry about not being able to follow them, they were very evident, the tracks that is.
Tracks are left by those who went before us. Some we follow others we try to ignore. We need to be responsible people and keep ourselves following the right set of tracks. I hope you are leaving tracks that are worth following.

May God Bless you and yours. I'll see you later!
