Liberal means to most, "You don't think like I do." Conservative means "You and I think alike." Independent means, "You do your thing, I'll do mine." In reality, do we not have a more pressing thought, "I want to do things God's way and not the world's?" No matter how hard we try to be one way or the other we seem to forget that God was very liberal in many areas and very conservative in others.
Maybe its time we started concentrating on God and let Him take care of the world. He asked us to be different and that would make a difference. I am sure that he is disappointed with the way things are now, but when has he not been? He is a gracious and loving God who accepts us where we are and strives to lead us to where He wants us to be. The question is, "Do we want to please the world or God?"
Liberal or conservative take on a whole different meaning when we are talking about ourselves and our relationship with the Father. Question, God gave us the freedom to choose. Did he not try to persuade us to do what He chose for us to do? He gave us the right to be independent in our choices. However, those choices, if made incorrectly, have ramifications which will be shown for what they are in the end. There may be discipline due us as a result of the choices we make independently of God. He is, after all, our Father. Isn't He? I am sure we can answer that question without going into much detail.
So, where do you stand? Liberal? Conservative? Independent? Do we have one hand out and the other on our pocketbooks? Or are we truly just a Christian, just God's child, because we want what is best all round in our lives.
Just thinking!
I'll see you later.
Great post Bro! I would believe that I am all three at some point in my walk with Him. Some things we are "open" to and others we are "closed" to when it comes to the Bible and our walks with Him, as you mentioned that He is often both ways.. Hope and pray all is well with the family!! God bless!!