I'm over it! I can't do it any longer. I cannot dwell in the past. I have done it for all of my life in my mind and I am just not going to do it any longer. I have said my peace and I am satisfied I have faced the giant weight that I have been carrying around for nearly 50 years. Yes, I said it right, nearly 50 years.
Satan has a way of getting to me through my past and has not let me forget what it was that brought me to this terrible wasteland called bad memories. These unproductive, at least for me, opportunities to sulk in the past and wonder what and why I am dwelling in the past in the first place.
If you haven't been there, good! If you have, read on and I will tell you what I did to get passed my past.
Take time to sit down with someone, maybe someone who was from that past, and talk it out. Let your guard down and allow yourself to remember the hurt and pain from that past you have been reminded of throughout your life if you are like me. Do it maturely, not as the child you possibly were at the time of your past pain. Let yourself know that God is in control and pray for guidance and mature patience. Share without the anger, without the pain, without the desire to "get back at" whoever. Speak the truth, don't let the past dictate your desire to move on into the future.
After you do that, and it may take several opportunities, pray some more. Let the healing that God offers to bring you peace do its work. Pray some more. Cry if you need to or desire to, either in private or public, but let yourself know you are going to be alright. Let the Spirit of God begin the healing process in your mental life so that your emotional life may be brought into alignment as God would have us do.
I did this.
It is working now and I hope it will work for me as I continue to walk my walk in this wonderful life I have. God has blessed me with a great and wonderful family. My wife and children, my dad and siblings, my church family, my camp family, my friends throughout the last 50 years. They all have helped me get to where I am today.
If you need to, don't hesitate to contact me and I will share with you more of what you can do to overcome whatever it is that beats you down on a regular basis.
God is good all the time and all the time, God is good!
I love you all and I'll see you later!
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