Why is it that when we travel we ask for prayers for a safe trip, but we fail to pray that same prayer when we drive across town? Why do we ask God to be with our loved ones traveling to see us yet, when they arrive, fail to fall on our knees and thank God for their safe arrival?
We ask a lot of God and many times fail to thank him for what he has given us. We ask expecting God to give us what we ask for, then, when things are given we give no thanks. Too many times we fail to remember that a "No!" is sometimes a better answer. Ever thank God for saying "No"?
I too find this problem at work in my life. So many times I ask God for help in leading me in my studies and then, when the sermon is prepared and delivered, I fail to thank him for clearing my mind to bring the sermon to life. Many times the sermons I am not really happiest with are the ones that get the most "Hey preacher, great sermon today," or "Britt, I really needed to hear what you had to say today. The message was right on target."
Not too long ago one gentleman came up to me and said of a sermon I was not particularly happy with the delivery of and felt I had missed getting the message I was looking to get across to make sense, "Preacher, that was one of the best sermons I have ever heard. I am so glad you listen to God when you prepare your lessons." I definitely stopped right then in my mind and thanked God for the lesson.
What have you stopped and thanked God for specifically lately? Why don't you drop to your knees and be thankful for what he has done in your life in a specific area? Don't expect yeses from God when you pray, expect answers to your needs. Listen to the Father call out your name and lead you to where you need to be and then thank Him for leading you in the direction that is best for you. Thank Him for listening and doing for you what is best.
Sometimes we need to remember to pray about all things. Like I have begun telling folks lately, "Ask God to do for you what is in your best spiritual interest." Then thank Him for the answer, whether it is "Yes", "No!", or "Wait."
I'll see you later.
ReplyDeleteYou are SO right, I'm a regular at a request and often forget to say thanks once that request is granted. And, I know God is going to protect me without me having to ask every time I make a trip across town.
Went to a funeral once with another preacher. When we got in the car he asked to pray for safety. When we arrived he asked if he could pray for thanks. When we went to the graveside he asked to pray. To make a long story short... we prayed about 80 times that day. Every time my rear end touched the car seat I knew he was about to say, "Let's pray about us getting there safe." :)
I wondered why we couldn't just pray once prayer for all our travels that day :)