When time comes, I want to be in heaven, don't you? I can't wait to be with all the saints and if possible hearing the great old stories about the flood, the crossing of the Jordon, not to mention the Red Sea. I want to hear John talk about what he saw and tried to describe in Revelation. I want to hear Peter laugh about how his immaturity that was so evident finally was put aside and he became the one who proclaimed our salvation that morning of Pentecost. I want to hear Moses chat about "the trip." I want to hear Zacchaeus talk about Jesus coming to his house and sharing in a meal. I would like to hear Paul talk about that trip he took where "he saw the light." One that is really interesting, that I want to talk to, is the one who cooked the fish Jesus ate after his resurrection.
And then, I want to hear Jesus talk about how much he loved me and to hear him say how proud he was that I trusted in the blood he shed for my sins. How I totally gave myself to him and about how he prepared my place in heaven for me. I want to hear him say "Well done good and faithful servant." That will be the greatest day of my life.
Now, you may be sitting there shaking your head while you read this because you know me and what I just wrote doesn't sound like the Britt you know. "Oh, he really thinks a lot of himself, doesn't he?"
The answer to that is "No, I know my sins. I know my weaknesses. I know where I struggle with temptation and I don't always avoid it. But, Jesus promised that when I asked forgiveness of sin, He would "remember their sins no more." Isn't that what it says in the Bible? I believe it is found in Hebrews 8:12, "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
If he doesn't remember my sins any longer, then I will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
Will you hear those word? Think about it. That is why He, Jesus, died for you.
I'll see you later!
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