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Monday, April 27, 2009


10cc an old but still good rock band had a song called "The Things We Do for Love." It was one of my favorite songs as I began my young adulthood. The song had a crazy twist to it. I thought it was just that the band was from England. Part of the lyrics go like this. "Communication is the problem to the answer."

Wow! What a concept. Communication being an answer to problems in life is something I have always understood. But to put it the way "10cc" said it was interesting.

When you have problems getting along with someone, 9 times out of 10 it is because of a lack of communication. People stop talking to each other and they forget to realize how silly it is not to communicate. If we don't communicate we can't end problems. Problems are ended through communication.

If I have hurt you or made you feel bad in some way, I may not know it and you would still be upset, angry or sometimes even mad at me. But, if you let me know what I have done, I'll love you enough to listen and I really feel I would ask for your forgiveness for the wrong you feel I have done. But unless you communicate with me what the problem is, I can't do anything about it. God forgive us for our lack of communication.

I'll see you later!

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