Do you, like many others, find yourself taking your Christianity for granted?
I have found myself asking, "Why would you want to go to heaven to be with God and His children if you can't, or won't be with them here on earth?" I ask you, is that a legitimate question? What is the legitimate answer to that question then?
There are so many who put themselves up as Christian, yet when you really get down to "where the rubber meets the road" and ask the question and answering it honestly, you find out that what you think doesn't really matter. We should never want to "give up" striving for honesty and commitment to God because it doesn't fit our personal nature and walk in life.
Too many times people have told me that their relationship with God is personal and none of my business. Really? Our Father in heaven refers to those who follow Him as His children, a part of His family. If you and I are a part of the Family of God, am I not also responsible as His child to care enough to be concerned about you? Are we just to not be involved in each other's lives? Are we not to be a part of the church, the body of Christ? And if we are, then when the "ekklesia" meets shouldn't that include all of God's children? (Ecclesia (or Ekklesia) in Christian theology means both: a particular body of faithful people, and the whole body of the faithful.)
When you choose not to be a part with the family of God or choose to put others above your Father and His family, you are rejecting the very nature of God. Can that ever be a good move?
Know this, if you aren't with God's people in your life you aren't with God.
So, when God's people come together it should be the Christian person, the children of God, the ecclesia, who are there.
I hope to see you Sunday, or at least I hope to hear that you have changed your thinking and have decided to come back to the family of God, where He is while we await the final coming of His Son, Jesus Christ to take us to be a part of the forever family.
God bless you as you contemplate your life and your future. Christianity demands a response. You will respond, but in what way?
How much does it mean to you?
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