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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Spiritual Chef?

There are people who believe that church should be the place where they get their spiritual nourishment. The preacher should give it and it has to be enough to get them through their lives.Why do we believe that one twenty to thirty minute sermon, and maybe two 40 minute Bible studies are enough to supply all that they need for the week? And, if it doesn't it is the preacher's and church leaders fault.

Isn't that a little silly? After all, we send our children to learn life skills at school for about six hours a day for 180+ days a year. That is about 1,080 hours per year for 13 years. That is 14,040 hours of their lives.

The average Christian is in classes and bible study about two and a half hours per week. Very few of those Christians who demand that the church be their primary source of spiritual nourishment spends in 70 years of membership a whopping total of 9,100 hours getting spiritually nourished.

What does this say about our need for spiritual nourishment? What does it say about the demand that we put on pastors, teachers, and preachers for nourishment?

I'm not saying that what you receive isn't or shouldn't be nourishing from your time with the church family, but what I am wondering is, why do we place the responsibility for our spiritual nourishment solely on the church leadership? Where is your responsibility to "feed ourselves on the word of God?"

If "church" is the only place you find nourishment, and you are demanding more than you are getting, do what you would do with a child that needs more study, or help, with their school work. You can get a tutor, spend more time in study yourself, or get involved in a study group with others who are struggling with their spiritual growth. Discipline may be needed. But, be careful. Study may lead to a better knowledge of other areas you may need to work on in your spiritual walk.

I am not saying this because of issues with the thought process of being nourished when we come to worship. I am saying this because it is a huge responsibility to be considered the main spiritual chef in someone's life when they will only eat once or twice a week.

I love you all.

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