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Monday, April 24, 2017

Tears for the Hurting

There are so many of my friends, family and spiritual family who are hurting right now and as I type this article, tears are filling my eyes because I don't know what I can do to help them all. I am saddened that we hurt from situations in our lives and it pains me to know that the answers I have will not work unless I rely on others to do be the kind of Christians that they should and that I too have a responsibility to be what I need to be as well.

 God has expressed his desire in the statement found in Matthew 22:36-40.

 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

We walk through life wondering if anyone really loves us the way that they should when we face the trials that wreck havoc to our lives. We know the hurt we feel and wonder why others are not there to help us, or stand up for us, or even let us know that they are hurting as well. We cry with tears that never make it to our eyes because it may be our fault others don't care for us in the way we think that they should.
To those that are hurting today or tomorrow know that I am sorry if you ever feel like no one cares, or seems to care. I am sorry if I have ever left you feeling like this. I know that we get so wrapped up in things that take us away from other things we probably need to be doing, and it is difficult to make some of those decisions as we walk through our lives. However, we do need to stop and engage our hearts with our minds and make sure we are truly taking care of the things that are important, the hearts of our family and friends who are hurting. 
God bless us as we strive to be the people He wants us to be.
This is my suggestion. Sit down and at least think for a moment or two, "What is important for me to do for others today? What should I do to be as involved in the lives of my family's spiritual nature? How can I serve my Christian family today in a way that they need?"
I pray that if you are hurting today that you know God is there. If you need help or ever feel like others aren't meeting your needs like you believe that they should, you are right. Do not feel bad for expressing your needs for comfort, love, and concern. Sometimes we just need to be bold enough to ask for prayers and also bold enough to encourage others to focus on what others needs are. Don't be afraid to be held accountable and also to hold others accountable to be the family we need to be.
I love you all so much. I am sorry if there has been anyone that feels like I have slighted them in any way. Remember, forgiveness is never demanded but requested and love is given never forced. Let us love one another the way that will make God proud. Start today! Love God and love others!

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