- 1.the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another."the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre; More
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If murder is taking the life of someone either by killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter or to eliminate, dispatch, butcher etc. I guess the government and society can allow, through law, for a woman to legally do so because of amendments add to our constitution.
However, no Christian can through God's word ever advocate, support, or uphold the rights of anyone to kill.
Just know I can't stand nor will I stand with those who claim it is a right to kill an unborn child.
I love you all, but Christians need to stand against sin and abortion and the right to abort may be legal to our nation but is an abomination before God.
I am in agreement. I do not believe in abortion. To me it is a sin