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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Non-Denominational Christianity

Non-Denominational! Yes, that is the key word to many of our religious friends and neighbors and many of whom are truly searching for God's direction for their lives.

To get into this discussion we have to first define the term "Non-denominational".

First, the prefix non comes from the word none.  None has the meaning according to Encarta Dictionary English (North America) -- not any part of something, or not a single one of something.

Second, the word denomination from same reference -- "a religious grouping within a faith that has its own system of organization."

Nondenominational according to Dictionary.com 

1. of or pertaining to a denomination or denominations.
2. founded, sponsored, or controlled by a particular religious denomination or sect:
denominational schools.
3.limited, conditioned, originating in, or influenced by the beliefs, attitudes,or interests of a religious sect, political party, etc.: denominational prejudice.

So, as I see it, non-denominational would have the meaning of a religious body not limited to or conditioned or influenced by the beliefs, attitudes or interests of a religious sect.  

This would mean that the religious group who is claiming to be a "non-denominational body of believers, or church" would be totally autonomous.  

Autonomous, according to Dictionary.com adjective
1. Government.
a.self-governing; independent; subject to its own laws only.
b. pertaining to an autonomy.
2. having autonomy; not subject to control from outside; independent:

So, to be a totally Non-denominational church or religious body would mean..."a self-governing, independent body of believers meeting in one place subject to its own membership controlled only from internal leaders completely independent of a board, leadership, or hierarchy outside the group.  

Using the words "nondenominational church" puts a lot of pressure on the local group striving to be truly autonomous striving to be free from following any list of rules or regulations outside of their local group.  Many of those who are claiming this thought process of not being linked to any other group may have trouble being true to themselves if they are overseen by a group who are not a part of that particular local congregation, body of believers, or group of Christians.

With that all said, let me address where I am coming from as far as why I worship with those who have, over the years, claimed the name "Church of Christ."  It is true that most of those who claim that name as a distinction do so for the purpose of core belief recognition.  They, for the most part, have the same core beliefs.  The only connection between these groups is that recognition.

I have preached and or worshiped with sixteen different churches over the last forty years. I attended a Christian College and preaching school that was led by those who were involved with that local school. During that time there has never been a directive from a church board or hierarchy from outside those local churches that has had any responsibility to regulate or dictate doctrinal matters or even matters of opinion that was given as a "church law, or doctrine" that had to be followed to keep a charter or "matter of faith" that affected the standing of that particular local church or congregation.

True non-denominational Christianity is to be led exclusively by God's word and the members of that local church or congregation of people claiming the same core beliefs. In true non-denominational faith, not everyone will agree on matters of opinion nor be held accountable for matters of opinion that come from others outside that local church or congregation of God's people.  True non-denominational Christianity would, and in my opinion from the definitions we use to describe "Non-denominational" churches, govern and regulate their thoughts on EVERY MATTER!

In most, not all, churches of Christ, elders (shepherds, bishops, pastors, etc.) lead the church and the minister who preaches is a paid (or financially supported) individual who takes the direction from those elders (shepherds, bishops, pastors, etc.) as far as matters of faith and or opinion. Those men, (elders, shepherds, bishops, pastors, etc.) are responsible to God and the local church members and to them only.  

Non-denominational Christianity can only be truly claimed by those who are truly autonomous and separate local congregations, churches or bodies of faith with the ultimate goal of bringing themselves and others closer to God and His Son, Jesus Christ our savior.

These churches or bodies of faith are responsible to God and His word.  That is why every time we see leadership in the New Testament that there is a plurality of leaders (elders, shepherds, bishops, pastors, etc. and in that group there are certain qualities that these men should have that are recorded in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1).  These men, and from what I have studied not women, are to meet these qualities in that local congregation, church, or body of faith.  They are the decision makers for that local body of believers. This is according to the Biblical example therefore without need to be decided by man. 

When we allow "Men" or those outside of the local church, congregation, or body of believers make decisions we are no longer autonomous.  

Non-denominational Christian churches are true to God's word if they are totally autonomous from other leadership outside of the local church, congregation or body of believers.  

That is one of the reasons I believe I worship with the people I worship with. The leaders here take their responsibility seriously when it comes to leading the people of God who meet at West Freeway church.  They meet and pray together asking God's help in leading this local church in faith.  

Learning to be answerable to God and not man is a difficult aspect of being "Non-denominational". I am thankful to be the preaching minister here because I know that these men are not only responsible for all the members of this church family, this congregation of believers sharing a common faith, but that they are also my leaders.  I am not only responsible to God for what I teach and preach but I am also responsible to these men in following their leadership.  They will answer to God for the decisions that they make and it is with that I am able to pillow my head at night knowing that I have men who are not only praying for my church family but also praying for me.  They know me and my needs and bring those before God in their prayers.

I hope that you will find a church with Biblical Leadership.  I pray that you truly find a non-denominational church, congregation or body of faith, that will comfort you as you strive to follow the path of God to belong to a group truly striving to be what God wants them to be with biblical leaders that are truly "Non-Denominational."

May God bless you in your search for truth and a true "Non-denominational" church, congregation, or body of believers.

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