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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Being Drafted in the NFL

As of today I am declaring for the NFL draft.  

I have been told that I will be a high draft pick and guaranteed a position.  I know that there are those of you who don’t think that this kind of thing can happen, but in reality I want you to know that it can.  The NFL is where I am headed and have been for most of my life. 

I love the thought of being rich and having all my needs met and never having to worry about anything.  I have been given the opportunity to make my way into the lifestyle everyone would like to have but few take advantage of.

As I head into the NFL draft I can better my life and should be able to be a role model for those who come my way.  

My stats are 5’6” 230 lbs. I am slow and can’t run.  I have a bad arm due to a surgery a while back.  I have a bad back and other little aches and pains that I won’t mention.

So you ask, “What’s the catch? How can you be drafted in the NFL?”  

Answer?  I am not talking about the National Football League; I am talking about becoming a part of the group known as the “Not For Long” people.  

I don't plan on being on this earth forever but in a place where I am rich because of my Father in heaven and His Son's purchases for me.  How about you?  Are you a part of the NFL? 

I'll see you later!

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