Time was when you could walk down the street and be greeted by everyone who walked by. Now, if you even get a glance from some you feel like you have accomplished a monumental feat of social elitism. People just don't want to be bothered with the menial things in life. Some don't even want to be recognized as those who walk among the living.
That is why I am so glad that I still speak and greet most of the people I come into eye contact with. Today as I drove away from dropping my wife off, a lady was taking her morning walk down the street and as I stopped at the signal to wait I caught her eye and nodded "Good Morning" and she smiled and waved. It broke me into a smile and the thought that not everyone was raised on dill pickles and some even don't mind sharing a smile and a warm greeting now and then.
How can I as a Christian do better? I believe it is possible if I will just keep smiling and greeting. It reminds me to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It still works!
I'll see you later.
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