Well, we leave for vacation tomorrow afternoon. I am excited about the trip. When we come back we will be packing to move into our RV that we will purchase the day or two after closing on the sale of our house.
Lisa and I are excited for this new era of our lives. Having the opportunity to take our home with us as we travel is quite thought provoking. Sleeping in our own bed each night seems to present a blessing for us.
Sold my 2008 Jeep last night and they are picking it up today. Last inspection on the property we are selling is being done today and then the count down begins. We are to close on January 22. Wow.
Seven years we have lived in this house and that is by over a year longer than I have personally lived in any one spot in my 59 years of life. This is going to be different. I don't think I'll miss the house. I'll miss the memories created there and the neighbors that were so warm and kind to us, except the first ones that lived directly behind us. (I'm glad they moved within 6 months).
Yes there are changes coming.
How about you? What changes are you going through? Are they changes for the good or just to be changing? Are you excited about the changes you face or are you apprehensive about them?
Material things on this earth are nice and to many extents essential. However, if our focus isn't on the spiritual first, then God doesn't have the place in our lives He should.
Yes, Lisa and I are doing some changing in our lives to look towards our future on this earth based on financial outlooks and needs. However, it is not our main focus. We know that were ever we are together is our home here on earth, but our eternal home is with our God. That is our main focus.
We are here for any of you who need spiritual guidance. If we can't help you personally we will do everything we can to find someone who can. We love our ministry and we love our family. But most of all, we love our God.
May He be forever praised.
I'll see you later!