"I'll be back there when _______________________ happens."
Ever heard anyone make this statement? I have, and I have noticed that those who say such things are just saying something to pacify themselves from having to do what ever it is that they have said they would do. Believe me, something else will come up or something else will cause them to continue to walk away from the very thing that they said they would do.
I have also heard this: "I'll never go to church at __________________!" When asked why the answer is, "_______________ is a member there and I could never attend where they attend."
Funny, I wonder if they have considered the alternative?
I have told the story many times of the man who said, "If those ______________ people go to heaven I don't want to go." I told him not to worry!
Please, realize that the world we live in is divisive enough without Christians putting stipulations on who attends and doesn't attend a particular church. If you are allowing a human being to keep you out of or away from participating in a church, then you are allowing them to be your god and not our Father in heaven. If they are the reason you die outside of faith, whose fault is that and who will pay the consequence.
Now, if you read this and get upset with me, I'm sorry. I really am. But I love you enough to try to get you to stop and think about your spiritual life for a minute. If you still don't want to worship with God's family somewhere, then fine, you let God know what it was that kept you away from the family of God. As for me and my house, we are going to go and serve God and not worry about who might be there we don't like. God comes first, then others, and then my desires and wishes (maybe)!
I love you all.