I did it!
I began a diet right after Christmas. I have stuck to it and I am losing weight. 38 pounds as of this writing have gone away and I feel better, have more energy and more excitement knowing that ultimately I will be healthier and able to see my children, grandchildren, and yes, I'm proud to say, my great grandchildren longer than I might have. Believe me, I still have close to 80 pounds to go to hit my goal weight, but I am a true believer in sticking it out.
Now, before you go and praise me and laud my accomplishments and send me encouraging notes of congratulations, let me ask you a question? How is your weight loss coming?
Wait just a second! I'm talking about the weight of your sins. Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us..." RSV
See, we all want to talk about our weight loss and all the accolades that go along with the excitement we feel as we see the profit of losing pounds. I just really wish that we would feel just as excited when someone we know overcomes the weight of sin that is in their lives. Or to hear about someone and the struggles that they have overcome to make their lives better, spiritually more healthy and the thought of a home in heaven being within reach.Your grandchildren and children are going to be watching your example. There are people who will notice your spiritual weight loss and change just as quick as they notice your physical weight loss and change. We need to be just as consumed about reducing sin's weight on our spiritual lives as we are our body's weight on our physical lives.
That is weight loss! Losing sin's burdensome hold on us.
How are you doing?
I'll see you later!