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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

National Survival

I'm sorry!

I know I haven't written in a while and hopefully will explain why in the near future.

But today I write because I wanted to express my humble thoughts on some of the things that are going on right now.

First--I have a saying that I told, and still do to this day, "Remember who you are and whose you are." I'm not sure where I got the saying but at some point, in my young parenting life, I began using the statement and challenge for my children when they would be going somewhere away from their mother and I.

Basically, it is a statement I hoped would burden their conscience to think before they spoke or acted. I believe for the most part it worked with my children. I know that there were times that it didn't have the effect I would have liked it have had. After all, they are human just like all of us. They made mistakes in their lives, but I believe that they never forgot the statement that I placed upon their hearts when they left my oversight. (I love them for this!)

So let me get to my point for this blog.

I believe that as Americans, we have forgotten who we are and whose we are!

Look at what we as a country are concerned about.  The past! As a society we are more focused on the past problems of our United States than anything else. So much so that we are spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on the removal of "past sins" reminders of our country. The past reminds us of where we have come from. To glorify those who were a part of the past for what they did, I believe, is just as wrong as removing the reminders of the things that divided us as a country.

I believe that the answer to our problems in our country is to look to the future and forget the past problems we have had. It is time to remember that the past is not who we are now and the fight over these issues can only grow to divide us again. It is time to remember who we are and whose we are.

God has been left out of the process. Not once has anyone on national media, nor the leaders of those who are fighting to "rectify" the past invoked the power of our one nation under God.  It is time we begin to remember who we are and whose we are.

I believe we are Americans. It doesn't matter where you came from, where you live in our country, or what stance on politics you take, unless you take God out of the equation. Understanding our forefather's desire to have a place where all men are equal (I know that slavery still worked its way into our society, the sins of the past), we should have taken the high road to build our country into the future.

The answers to our nations problems are in the future, not trying to repair the past! I am ready to see us become the nation that is respectful of each other.  I believe we came into existence to achieve this very thing.

Those of us who are Christians need to remember who we are and whose we are. We need to reach out in love and become the vocal majority of love and peace, respect and understanding. It is time for us to be accountable for our actions and lead by example so that others would want to be like us, because we are like Him. 1 John 4:17 "...in this world we are like Him."

I believe this is the answer to our national crisis.

By the way, I am still thankful that we take care of during major disasters. At least we haven't lost all of our love for humanity. Maybe this can also help us remember who we are and whose we are.

I love you all (4),
