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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Stop Complaining!

Just because you are tired of something doesn't mean it has to stop. Look at Six Flags...some people haven't been in years because they thought it had run its course. Lines to rides still happen and they are still making money.

We do what we want in our lives. It is our right given to us by our Father in heaven. It is sad when people say, "We are doing this too much."

If it isn't broke, don't try to fix it.

However, doing the same thing the same way over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

If it works, do it!

If it is broke, fix it!

If it is not of God it will go away.

If it is of God you won't be able to stop it or change it.

Please follow the lead of those who are put in place to lead. It may not be your "thing" in your walk in life but time and thought has gone into what those who are leading believe is a good work.

If it fails, then do something else.

If it succeeds, give God the glory.

If it is different, don't bash it just because you can.

If you can help make it work, don't drag it down.

Don't complain about something you don't want to do, just don't do it. Don't feel guilty when you are encouraged to do what ever it is that is being promoted. If it doesn't work for you, then do what does work.

Do something besides complain about what is being done.

If you don't like what is going on, then find something that you like and that works and share it with those in the lead. That is the way of good business, and good church family relationships.

I love you all!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Culture Changes?

I remember being in Dominica back in the 80's. We had a mission trip to Roseau and Scott's Head. It was wonderful. The thing that was most different to me was that time had little baring on the people there. If something was supposed to happen at 7:00 p.m. it might be 8:30 before everyone gathered so that we could begin.

The first two nights were difficult for me. I was a clock and by the minute guy. If something is supposed to start at that time, be there. My American culture showed loudly. I was filled with nervous anticipation and wanted to be able to get to it!  Now! At the "appointed time"!

I learned that patience is the best when working cross culturally. It taught me a great lesson that I am not the authority as to how things ought to be done. I learned to gently work with the way of life where you are. Punctuality is not demanded unless it is demanded by the culture.

We need to be careful not to push our agenda on those who are not culturally aligned with our culture. They will learn but not necessarily on our time table.

I pray that we will stop pushing people to fit our mold. God wants all men to become His family. He doesn't care what culture they come from or how "on time" they are. We need to be concerned about the spiritual welfare and not the cultural attitudes of those we come in contact with. Teach the word and people who accept the truth will mold their lives to God's way, not our way!

I love you all!

Monday, November 16, 2015

My Special Friends

I love you. You are special. You are my friend and many times I felt as close to you as anyone else. When my times were tough and my heart broke you let me know you cared. You gave me a hug, a smile, a squeeze of the hand to let me know you really cared.

Other times you were the one in need of me and I hope that I have been there for you when you needed me. If not, I'm sorry.

If I overstepped the boundaries of friendship and may have taken you for granted or you may have felt that I manipulated you for my gain, I'm sorry.

You are not my mother or my father, you are not my wife or child.  What you are is my friend. And for that I am thankful. I need my friends and especially my spiritual family.

You are loved and appreciated. Thanks for being there for me.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Worshiping with God's Family

As each and every Sunday comes around I look forward to being with my spiritual family. As a minister I have given my life to my ministry which is to serve my God and His Son with guidance from the Holy Spirit. I cannot imagine wanting to be anywhere else on the Lord's Day.

If I don't worship with my spiritual family I feel empty. It means that much to me. To be where God's family is meeting. For those who know me best know that I want to be with God's people.

When I visit other churches, they are of a like mind, but it isn't the same. I do not feel it wise to worship with those who do not hold to the form of teaching that I believe God has exemplified in His word.

There is a reason and I believe it a valid reason. I know that on Sunday morning during worship and praise I want to worship and praise God in the way that He desires, not from what I desire or for any other reason than to take the opportunity with those of my spiritual family to thank our Father for all the things He has done for me. I can't do that when distracted because of spiritual error that is so often practiced by those who want something different than what the Bible teaches.

If you are a member of God's family you should worship with God's family. If not, you are opening yourself up to accepting things that are not of God.

The Hebrew writer speaks of this in Hebrews 10.

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV)

I'll see you later.