I want everyone to know that I do not hate anyone nor do I believe we should hate anyone. I believe that you have the right to your life and I have a right to mine. My beliefs are based upon the word of God and I will stand for that as long as I live on Face Book, my blog, or anywhere else in my life.
You may not agree with what I believe and God gave you that right and I will accept and honor that right. I may try to persuade you to see through God’s word how I believe if it seems that our understandings are different, but I will try to listen with an open mind to what you have to say.
You have the right to your opinions as does everyone else on the face of this earth. I will not condemn the person that I differ with in my beliefs unless it harms me or my way of life. I will not picket, nor will I stand and scream at you for what you do with your life. I will differ with your opinions and stand against them if they violate, or seem to violate the word of God.
However, I do not understand how standing up for something I believe in makes me an enemy or judge of men. I can only state what I believe and as long as it is legal in this country to do so I promise I will do just that. I believe that God gave us all that right and it is our right in the constitution of our country.
God gave mankind His word that we call the Bible. It is written to those who believe in Him and want to follow Him. In His word he gives us the examples of how we are to live and how we should share that with those in our world. Not everyone is going to accept this way of life and there is nothing I can do about it. I will, however, love and respect you as a creation of God and hope and pray that we will remain friends. I will never disown someone who holds a different belief than me, unless I am compelled by God’s word to do so.
I may not spend as much time with some as I do others because of these differences, but it does not mean that there is no love for them in my heart. I believe in my heart that I try to love every person I meet with the hope of getting to know them better so that I may allow my beliefs to be shared with all men.
I will continue to stand for what I believe and what I understand the Bible to say. If your opinion is different than mine, so be it. We will just have to differ. I still care about you and your stand with God and that is my primary reason for standing for what I believe. May God grant us the ability to share our thoughts with anyone who asks us about what we believe in.
May He bless us all in our lives.