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Monday, September 23, 2024

Why Churches Don't Grow

 Why Churches Don’t Grow!

I hope you will take time to read this article. I am going to be sharing some of my personal thoughts about church growth. There will not be statistical numbers, nor will there be revelations of grandeur broadly studied calculations; no in-depth study notes, perfunctory realizations brought on by great studies from major heads of thinking, just my observations from my 40 years of full-time ministry.

For a church to grow, the church must first want to grow.

There is a lot of talk about churches wanting to grow, but I have noticed little being done. Elders hire a preacher to come in and encourage and motivate the members to better themselves and to live right in the sight of God and man, but when it comes to actual “growth through the gospel” the church seems satisfied with an influx of people who are already members of God’s family who place membership with their local church family.

We have had great minds put together great methods of sharing the bible with others and we get excited and think we will change the world with our teaching and methods. The problem is we live in a world that wants to see Jesus in the lives of those who are talking to them about Him. Too many of us have allowed excitement over methods and outreach programs busy ourselves, and for a while, even truly dedicated to sharing through those methods with the world.

I am not trying to throw water on any fires that may bring people to Christ that others are doing, but I want you and me to stop and think about the reason people are looking for God and not finding the truth where they look.

God did not tell us to create opportunities for people to hear the message of Christ's life, death, burial, and resurrection. God told us to share the story. Live the story. Be the story.

The only way we can do that is to tell our redemptive story! However, it is not about us but it is all about good Jesus. We must come to a point as Christians where there is no doubt we feel about God in our lives. We must live the “new life” we were given with a deep understanding of what God has really done in our lives.

God, for the Christian, has changed their outcome!

We have been given opportunities to be changed from an unknowing, uninvolved, thoughtless, spiritless, unmoved “religious acting person.” We as God’s children need to have no other gods before Jehovah, our Father, our Holy God, and the only way that others will be moved to be a part of that family of believers is for those who are “in Christ” to act like it. We are to help people like Andrew did with his brother Simon Peter.

Even then, going and telling others was a desire to help someone come to know God, not a method to get them into the church.

The spiritual family of God will not grow spiritually (or in number) until we are convinced in our own minds that we are truly God’s people, and live that way. We are given abilities that we have not used, or desired. It doesn’t take a monumental story of great feats of the Spirit working in our lives for people to be interested in what God can do for us and our relationship with Him. It takes a true love of what God has done in our lives and the desire to share it with others. If becoming a Christian, or sharing Christ with others, is lacking in prominence in your life, you need to rethink your priorities concerning your relationship with Him.

Just telling your story, along with a study of God’s word with people doesn’t take a P.H.D., it takes a P.C.H., personal caring heart. A true joy for the word of God and its ability to change men into Christians in a spiritual family.

As I said, these statements are what I see now and in the last 40 years of preaching. I hope and pray that my preaching has been an encouragement to those listening. But more than the approval of the members of the spiritual families I have been a part of, I hope that I have shared the story of Jesus with others by sharing my story of how God worked in my life. How the Father forgave me by applying His grace to my life. It is not about me; it is about what God can do for anyone who wants to learn who God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are.

We don’t need methods to share the gospel, not that they aren’t good, but what we truly need is true believers who know that God works in our lives! He told us through the Bible to spread the good news about Jesus and to share Him with those we meet. It’s not a weekly time of going out, it is about living it! Truly living it. Honestly believing that we are saved by the grace and love of God.

Learning a method is good, but it will never be as productive as living the Christian life and loving people enough to let them see the love you have for God, your fellow Christians, and them. Churches must love! Love each other, love those who walk through the doors, love talking about Jesus (not the church, which comes later), and live for Him daily. And, when we stumble and fall, get up, ask God for a boost up, and allow Him to move in your life.

Some of you may be asking about where in the Bible does this come from. Well, let me give you the scripture reference. Genesis 1:1 – Revelation 22:21.

I love you all.



Wednesday, July 5, 2023

What I Have Learned

 The passing of time is something that we understand is going to happen. We get older and we find ourselves wondering how long we have left. Forty years ago I never wondered that, but now at 64 (Sunday), I do.

Yesterday some of my family got together for the celebration of our country's Independence Day. I was supposed to be there but just didn't know what it was that was making me feel so ill. Allergies and a possible cold, that I didn't want to pass on if it was, kept me from seeing two sons, two daughters-in-law, and one of my great grandsons and two grandchildren. I sat around feeling sorry for myself knowing I was doing the right thing if I was really ill and could possibly pass something on. But it got me thinking about things.

I may have ten to twenty years left in this life on this earth if God doesn't get so fed up with this world again that He pulls the plug and calls us all home (that wouldn't bother me!) But at my age, those years fly by even if I have that many left. I have come to realize that we put too much emphasis on things and what we call living. Yes, we must provide for our families and I understand that. God gave us that command to take care of our families. But, believe me, living is not based on how much you have been given in this life financially, nor is it worth being concerned about how you might feel you have been cheated out of being able to live comfortably while on this earth. Living is about dying with faith in God. Faith that He will not leave you destitute upon this earth or in the ground, but you will be walking with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords as a true Child of God.

To do that, we must become His child. It is our choice to "live for here, or to live for there."

I did miss seeing my family yesterday, but one day, I will see God. And yes, living without on this earth will have been worth it! How are you doing?

Monday, May 8, 2023

Last Night I Cried!

 Last night I cried. 

Last night, during a singing we had with our spiritual family, for the first time in a long time, more inside than actual tears, I cried.


Truly because I was blessed to be in the presence of God the Father and in the midst of His family, singing and glorifying our Father in heaven. Thanking Him for being our shield about me. He is my glory, He is the lifter of my head.

I am but a simple man here on the face of this world created for us, mankind, by a loving and caring God who has limited us to a certain time here. However, it is His word that lifts my head. Hallelujah. Halleluja!

The tears were for reasons I can only attribute to my personal existence.

I am in awe of how shallow I am at times in the presence of such a magnificent God and creator, yet a loving and caring Father of us all. I am His child. For that, I am so thankful and shed a tear even now, knowing I'll be home soon! 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Where did all the joy go?

 Where did all the joy go?


A good friend of mine shared with me a tragic story of a church family that lost their joy. A divisive spirit in the church caused a lot of hurt feelings and left many with a feeling of betrayal. He shared that the church had declined by two-thirds of its attendance. It was difficult for him to understand how the family of God could ever get into that position.


I asked him if there was anything specific he could point to that would clarify the divisive attitude that brought about the unrest in the family of that congregation. He stated that the problem was, the church had stopped being a family and started working on becoming an organization with self-motivational interests being at the forefront of the leadership. “The leaders were making major decisions and had no real connection with most of the members in the church, just a select few were considered.”


This is an issue I have seen many times in my spiritual walk of life. It isn’t that people are looking for things to do to help the congregation grow, they were just looking for things to be done the way they felt comfortable doing them. They wanted them to be done the way they had always been done. They had their agenda and no matter what or who had to be sacrificed, it was going to happen one way or another.


Manipulation is sometimes the culprit when it comes to situations like this. Some opportunities can take on the form of “good works to do”, depending on who benefits and who it “motivates.” Moving others out of the way so the “uncomfortable” can feel “more comfortable” with themselves and not be challenged to study or grow anymore. They want things to go back to the way they were in the past. Hoping to find happiness in trying to recreate what once was, looking for happiness in overseeing where, or in what direction the church is moving. Hearing things said in the old comfortable way of being said and shutting the door on anything different or new because they were not “comfortable” with new things.


It is like the ship that sank with 100 people on board who all wanted to be the captain. No one was willing to work to help the ship operate the way it should. They all wanted others to do what they were ordering them to do.


It is inevitable that we find ourselves at a loss when it comes to divisiveness and our dislike of change. However, striving to go back to what once was is change, but seen as worthy because of whose idea it was to go back to the past. I believe that Paul addressed the Jewish Christians who wanted to go back under the law! They didn’t really want to go back to the law, it didn’t change but was fulfilled. They wanted to go back to the traditions they were used to and comfortable with.


I asked my friend, “Was truth ever overlooked or abandoned?” His answer was “No! Not that I am aware of! If there was, I would have approached the problem as a scriptural problem! The way I see it was that those who left just didn’t feel needed or a part of the family any longer. It was like God was left out of any decision that was made.”


I want to encourage those of God’s people to be sure to understand that without true compassion, without true concern for the word, without vision, we will parish.


Where did all the joy go? Satan took advantage of hiding behind someone’s truth instead of someone standing in God’s truth. Don’t hide behind the past glories of the church. Look to glorify God daily as you walk. Accept the joy of the Spirit of God and your salvation. Allow God to give the increase. You can’t do it. That is God’s job. We need to be seed spreaders.


I love you all,


Thursday, July 29, 2021

That Guy

Here is a thought for you.

There is a guy who has everything he needs. He has a good job, wife, and family, He doesn't get wrapped up in societal issues, nor does he watch the news to keep up with the current issues that befall our country. He enjoys going to work, coming home, eating for nourishment, laughing when he thinks something is funny, crying when he thinks something is sad and caring for people who are hurting. He doesn't feel empowered, nor does he think he is or has been discriminated against. 

For the most part, there aren't a lot of people who know much about him. He is not an "A Typical" egotistical person, nor is he a "Wall Flower." He is just a regular Joe.

How many of us would want to be his friend? How many of us are envious of his calmness and his lack of excitement about what is going on in our world? How does a "Regular Joe" make it in the world we live in? That, my friends, is a great question.

The answer is that he is trying to follow the path that leads him to heaven. He is concerned about a lot of things. He is concerned about his family and them being in worship and with God's people as often as possible. He wants his family to be around others who need to know Christ, but he strives to make sure that his family knows not to follow "other" paths that might lead them away from Christ. He doesn't worry about the future of our world, but the future of those who need to know Jesus. He isn't concerned about the political drama of our world, he is concerned about people not knowing the story of Jesus and why they need to know Him. 

See, I believe that guy is the guy we all need to be. We all need to be so into following Jesus that the things of this world aren't as appealing to us as some would make us feel they are. It isn't wrong to have things, but sometimes we overload on things and leave the spiritual aspect of being good stewards of our time and money out of our lives.

I think that guy is probably happier because of his covenant relationship with God instead of his constant worry about a covenant with the world. The world view will not get us a heavenly outcome. We need to be in the world, being good stewards, and caring about our covenant with God and with His family, but also concerned about bringing others into that covenant relationship with God.

That guy is who I want to be.

How about you?

I'll see you later!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

You Can't Change the Past

     I'm over it! I can't do it any longer. I cannot dwell in the past. I have done it for all of my life in my mind and I am just not going to do it any longer. I have said my peace and I am satisfied I have faced the giant weight that I have been carrying around for nearly 50 years. Yes, I said it right, nearly 50 years.
     Satan has a way of getting to me through my past and has not let me forget what it was that brought me to this terrible wasteland called bad memories. These unproductive, at least for me, opportunities to sulk in the past and wonder what and why I am dwelling in the past in the first place.
      If you haven't been there, good! If you have, read on and I will tell you what I did to get passed my past.
     Take time to sit down with someone, maybe someone who was from that past, and talk it out. Let your guard down and allow yourself to remember the hurt and pain from that past you have been reminded of throughout your life if you are like me. Do it maturely, not as the child you possibly were at the time of your past pain. Let yourself know that God is in control and pray for guidance and mature patience. Share without the anger, without the pain, without the desire to "get back at" whoever. Speak the truth, don't let the past dictate your desire to move on into the future.
    After you do that, and it may take several opportunities, pray some more. Let the healing that God offers to bring you peace do its work. Pray some more. Cry if you need to or desire to, either in private or public, but let yourself know you are going to be alright. Let the Spirit of God begin the healing process in your mental life so that your emotional life may be brought into alignment as God would have us do.
     I did this.
     It is working now and I hope it will work for me as I continue to walk my walk in this wonderful life I have. God has blessed me with a great and wonderful family. My wife and children, my dad and siblings, my church family, my camp family, my friends throughout the last 50 years. They all have helped me get to where I am today.
     If you need to, don't hesitate to contact me and I will share with you more of what you can do to overcome whatever it is that beats you down on a regular basis.
     God is good all the time and all the time, God is good!
I love you all and I'll see you later!


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What I Learned September 11, 2001

I remember exactly where I was when I received word that there was an "accident" in New York City! The Blanco Bowling Club Cafe. I was playing dominoes with the morning crew for the last two hours when Lisa called and said, "A plane had crashed into the World Trade Center."
I drove home and watched the events unfurl in front of all Americans. It was devastating. I sat in my office with the doors open to the church building, ready to visit with whoever may drop in to pray or talk about the events of the day.

I remember thinking, "This is horrible."

The results are still being felt today as another victim, a fireman, was honored in a memorial service in New York City just last Tuesday as his remains were identified. His family was 18 years without knowing, but knowing, the final outcome of where his body was. My prayers are with all those affected personally with that tragic event. I pray that comfort and peace will rule in their hearts.

I wonder how many of those folks knew God the way I do? Not because I'm a minister of God's word, but because I am a Christian and I am truly concerned about those who do not know God and have not obeyed the gospel.

Will God's grace fall upon those who do not know Him? Will they be found in heaven? Will they be saved from their sins? Could God just leave them outside of His family forever?

Questions we all could and some have asked through the years. So let me ask a question that shakes me to my core: "Who is the judge of such matters?" Well, the answer is obvious, God is! It is ultimately His decision. We, however, should hold ourselves responsible for following His word as closely as we can.

I believe that those who do will find God's answer in His word that will fall upon our hearts. It is my, and every Christian's, responsibility to share God's truth concerning His Son. The death, burial, and resurrection are to be at the forefront of our spiritual walk.

Over 3,000 lives were taken at once. No warning. They just died as the result of someone's failure to know the truth. God's truth will always be to "love your neighbor as yourself."

I want to go to heaven, and I want my neighbors to go to heaven. In fact, if I decided to make...wait, why would I want to make that decision. That decision is left up to each individual who walks, and talks lives and breathes on this earth. The situation we find ourselves in is that none of us knows when our time is going to end. in 2001 on September 11, 3,000 plus people went to work just like they did every day of their adult working lives. None of them knew what was about to happen just 45 minutes into their workday. A day the world changed as fast as at any other time in the history of our nation.

Time is not on our side. Our day is coming. It may end in tragedy or it may end in peaceful slumber. The ultimate goal is to know that physically we may be surprised at the moment but that we are never spiritually surprised at all with the outcome.

I pray for those who have lost loved ones in such tragedy but we can know for sure, without a doubt, that we are going home to be with God in heaven. 1 John 5:13 13 "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." Christians, we have nothing to fear spiritually, yet the physical pain of suffering looms to some extent in our lives. I pray you never have to live through the tragedy but that you march triumphantly into the future with spiritual victory overcoming this world and its sin.

I love you all,